Divisional History
This Division had its beginnings in the constitution of the North Western Division in 1897 which was redesignated in 1970 as the Lancashire Division. The first Intendant General of this Division was Arnold Moreton who sadly died in 1982. When the Division was split into the Division of West Lancashire and the Division of North and East Lancashire in 1976 Arnold Moreton remained as Intendant General of the Western Division. The new Intendant General of the North and Eastern Division being Dr James Edward Glover who remained in office until succeeded by Paul Charles Ian Edmunds. In 1997 Colin Williams became Intendant General until 2007 when some geographical changes resulted in the reconstitution of the Division and the appointment on the 19th May 2007 of Dr Nigel Graham Bramley-Haworth as Intendant General.
The Division of North and East Lancashire became split again with the Northern conclaves forming The New Division of Cumbria.
The Division of North and East Lancashire is now in the care of R.Ill Kt Stephen William Bolton Intendant General.
The Division of North and East Lancashire currently consists of 13 Conclaves who meet at locations from Lytham St Annes in the Southeast of the District North to Carnforth and west to Mossley and as far south as Salford. The oldest Conclave in the Division was originally consecrated in 1871 and later resuscitated in 1946 whilst the newest was Praesidium consecrated in 2012.
In the New Year we will see a new conclave The Mamucium Conclave No 534 Consecrated at Manchester Hall, Bridge Street, Manchester.